Energy Enhancement System™ (EES) Technology

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Creator of the EESystem™

The Energy Enhancement System™ (EES) technology ~ What is it?

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael is the creator of the Energy Enhancement System™ that combines the science of biophoton light energy with zero-point scalar wave energy along with color and light therapy. 

Dr. Michael’s Energy Enhancement System™ is backed by 20 years of research, clinical studies, extraordinary case studies and success stories. This cutting-edge quantum energy technology is comprised of custom-built and professionally installed computers generating quantum healing energy fields 24/7. 

This advanced technology provides your body, mind and spirit with the supportive energy it needs to achieve optimal wellness, peak performance and an elevated state of consciousness. As the energy cells become charged, they begin to detox and release toxins resulting in clarity and improved physical and emotional health. Following the “after care” suggestions you receive will greatly benefit your session results.

Cell Rejuvenation

Research has indicated that exposure to scalar energy waves can promote the repair of DNA, including breaks and genetic damage in the DNA matrix, as well as lengthen telomeres. 

EES technology gives the body's cells the ultimate fuel for improving circulation, oxygenation, and increasing cellular energy. These higher EES frequencies allow the innate healing wisdom of the body to direct the energy where healing is most needed. 

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael ~ Who is She?

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, with a background in biophysics, quantum and nuclear physics. She was invited into the Mensa Society for those that scored in the 98th percentile of IQ intelligence tests. 

During her career, she studied everything from chiropractic to ancient Ayurvedic medicine and also investigated Rife and Radionics technology. Dr. Michaels created her first scalar energy light chamber in 1978 and began seeing miracles.

Now, she sees her vision being actualized as EES technology and setup in wellness centers around the world to accelerate and raise consciousness. She is aware of the bodies innate healing potential experienced in group and community centers. Currently, Dr. Michael is also working to provide energy wellness centers for veterans.

Why Choose EES Self-Care?

You charge your cell phone battery everyday – right? But, what about your own body’s energy cells?  Your body has trillions of electromagnetic cells.  You are an electromagnetic being and that is why tests performed by the medical system work.  Magnetic Resonance Imaging, CAT scans, PET scans and nuclear medicine tests all connect to your own electromagnetic system to provide valuable information on the inside of the body. EES technology provides energy fuel for improving circulation, oxygenation, and increasing cellular energy and optimizing health. So, charge your cells with the advanced technology of scalar waves, biophoton light and color therapy while you rest, receive and recharge in the EES room.

"Hold all of your being in love, honor, and reverence just as you are in this moment in time"

~Elsie Kerns